Party Pics & a big Thank You!

My kids are so blessed to be loved by so many.

We ended up having a BIG (28 people) little party to celebrate our beautiful baby girl turning one year old. Complete with cupcakes and wine 😉 It was crazy and crowded and wonderful. I’m always in awe by how much my little family is loved by so many people who always seem to go out of their way to be part of our lives. Thank you to everyone who came to share in that big day for our little girl and also to everyone who couldn’t make it but sent their love! And, an extra thank you to everyone who helped me with the party prep, cleanup, and photography! Our friends and family are truly amazing folks and I hope all of you know how thankful we are that you are in our lives!

Momma and Daddy with the birthday girl! (Parker "opted" out :/)

Momma and Daddy with the birthday girl! (Parker “opted” out, 😦 )

Our Birthday Girl

Our Birthday Girl




& I just melt... She is such a Daddy's girl.

& I just melt… She is such a Daddy’s girl.

Tired and a bit overwhelmed

Tired and a bit overwhelmed



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"You might have a little something right there"

“You might have a little something right there”

The little lady is 10 months old!

It’s time to start thinking about a birthday party! I can’t believe that time has really truly gone this fast. I know that I haven’t been doing monthly check in posts for Charlotte (I have kept up with taking monthly pictures and writing in her baby book, so gold star for that I guess) but since I took some pictures today and actually took them off my camera (along with her 9 month pictures… ya, I know. But hey, at least I took them!) I figured that I would share them with you.

Now, I’m not very good at this but and I swear that taking her picture is hard as hell because it is a constant cycle of set her down, run or slide back, get camera up, and then repeat 3 more times before I get to take a picture. And forget getting her to sit/stand/hold anything in any kind of pose. She does what she wants and any shot I get is pure luck. I think she is adorable anyway though.

Now all about her… She is 19 1/2 lbs. She is standing for long lengths of time and has only taken a few “half” steps to balance herself while standing. I don’t count those as her first steps. She will push anything light enough across the floor so she can walk behind it. She STILL doesn’t have any teeth. Which I am fully aware is completely normal, it’s just weird for me as a Momma because Parker got his first 2 teeth at 5 1/2 months old. She is waving and gives kisses. She LOVES to be upside-down, and she finds it hilarious to fling herself backwards so you can hold her by her legs. It’s always a good idea to be ready for that 😉 I can already see so many differences from her brother and it’s so interesting to watch her personality develop.

P.S. My lovely Grandmother made this dress for her last year at this time and when I tried it on her it reminded me so much of an Easter dress that I had to bust out the clearance Easter basket and leftover eggs from last year even though it’s still a bit early for that. 😉

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