Template Tuesday

Papers & elements are from Shabbyprincess.com (I used a bunch of different kits this time)

Oh I just want to scrunch her! This is Charlotte’s 2 month layout and I actually “scraplifted” this idea from a Pinterest pin. I had been sitting on this idea waiting for the right picture to come along. Now you can do as I did and use one picture, or you can certinly use 6 different ones. (Let me know if you need further instruction on how to use this template to get the 1 photo look.) It would be really cute if you used the same head shot but with different funny faces. Or maybe you could do an instagram layout with the same themed photos. Let me know what you come up with and if you post it anywhere please leave a link in the comments because I would LOVE to see it!

Thanks for stopping by!

Just click the preview to download the zipped file from Media Fire, and as always, personal use only please! If you have missed any free templates you can find them here.