Fluffy Friday: ONEderland


If you are a Biggest Loser fan you’ll know what I’m talking about. (It could very well be from other places too, but that is where I know it from.) It means that my weight finally starts with a ONE.

199.8 <– This is the number I've seen the past two mornings!

I'M UNDER 200lbs!!! WOOT!!

I needed this. I really needed to hit this milestone after struggling so much to get back on track. It reenforces that what I am doing is working. Even though it is slow going and a lot of the time I just don't want to. IT'S WORKING. And it will continue to work as long as I stick with it. There isn't any secret to weight loss. It's about eating well (and the right amount) and working out. Calories in vs. calories out. Figuring out what YOUR ratio is, is the difficult part. Making sustainable life changes is the only way to keep the weight off, and that isn't easy especially with the way our culture has become, but I know it's the only way I'm not going to end up back here.

I'm so happy to be checking that goal off my list. It's been a great week. I've been tracking my food and staying within my calorie limit. In my effort to get back on track with my weight loss I've been making sure that I workout no less than every-other day. I'd love to say that I'm going to workout an hour a day 6 days a week, but I know myself better than that. Setting a schedule I know I can stick to and remain consistent with is far more effective than getting discouraged and quitting by setting unrealistic goals and failing to meet them.

This week: -3.2 lbs (!)

Total loss -14.2 lbs

Matt is refusing to get on the scale at this point so I don't have any numbers for him. He is still where I was a couple of weeks ago. He is trying to get back at it and start being diligent about it again but he might need a few "encouraging" words. 😉

Fluffy Friday: Sunday’s BS excuse edition

I didn’t bail on this weeks check in. Entirely, that is. I’ve been meaning to write since Friday but other things have just been taking priority. I was really hoping that last week’s post was going to help get me back on track. It didn’t. But the scale finally did on Friday morning.

After gaining, yet again, I started asking myself why in the hell was I doing this to myself AGAIN?? Why was I letting one effing stomach bug knock me off track this far? Why can’t I find that drive and determination that I had when I started this???

My only real answer is a bull shit one. It’s a bull shit excuse.

I don’t feel like it.

I don’t feel like caring about it. I don’t want to weigh my food, it’s easier to just eat it. I don’t want to think about it all. I don’t want to workout when I could be doing _______. I just don’t want to.

Guess what not “feeling like it” gets me? Fat.

The scale needs to be going down. I’m not happy with my body at this size. It’s not healthy. I’m setting a poor example for my kids. There are endless reasons to list as to why I MUST lose this weight. There are no reasons for me to stay here. Only excuses. Being lazy and not wanting too, are awful excuses to stop trying.

So after a nice little chat with myself that consisted of a lot of creative curse words and mental head smacking, I got my ass in gear working out and started tracking everything I ate. Again. I’m at day 3 and still going strong. There have been several moments of, “Oh, do I have too?!?!?!” Which is when my inner skinny bitch trainer starts screaming at me.

I finally feel like I’m back on track after like a month(?!) of wandering somewhere nearby the realm of caring and I’m really hoping that I’ll have a weight loss to share with you on Friday.

As of this morning I was down a total of 11 lbs from the start of this back in… March… I believe… Sure, we’ll go with that. Which puts me up by 0.4 from last week. It’s not a big amount but that is also down about 2 lbs from an earlier weigh-in this week. It’s those little bits that can add up fast if you don’t track your weight. I know that some people can just tell by their clothes if they are gaining weight but I must not have the right kind of clothes or something. I can gain like 15-20 lbs before I would need to go up a size.  (effing stretch jeans & yoga pants)

I’d love to hear some success stories and motivational tips if anyone has any because although I feel more on track than I have in a LONG time, the first couple of weeks are hard!

Fluffy Friday

I’ve been MIA for the past couple of weeks if anyone noticed. Life, I guess. We were doing so great with everything!!! and then life happened… The awful stomach bug that ripped through our house a few weeks ago just knocked us off track entirely. Why is that? It might have been because we were just trying to keep anything down for those couple of days. It took me a bit longer than the rest of my family to feel up to par again but I have an extremely sensitive stomach so that might have had something to do with it.

I’m most disappointed with the fact that we basically stopped working out and journaling altogether and it has been really hard to get back into it. Those things had become second nature for me and one illness seemed to destroy all of those great habits I worked so hard to make. It’s frustrating. I have started journaling several times but never saw the day through. I’m trying to get that drive and determination back that I had at the start of this. I think a big part of my lack of motivation is because I stopped writing about it. The knowing that I’m going to have to write about it to the world at the end of the weeks is a big “DUDE, STICK WITH IT!” nagging voice in my head.

I had an awesome workout yesterday where I ran a 11:57 mile(+ an 8 min walk) and then did another 30 on the elliptical, and I can sure feel it today. Remember when I ran my 1st mile? I hadn’t tried it again since and I think I might have been subconsciously psyching myself out thinking that perhaps it was a fluke and I’d never be able to do it again. (I know I sound crazy, no need to point it out.) So yesterday, I finally got up the nerve and I tried it even though I hadn’t had a really good workout in about 3 weeks, and I was able to do it and it was even my best time ever in my life. It is such an amazing feeling to accomplish something like that. It is something I never thought I would be able to do. I’m a big girl, with big boobs and asthma. Running isn’t something that I look like I was made to do.

Now although we basically “fell off the wagon” we didn’t go running away from it through the woods on an all-out food binge. I would say we were more like walking next to it kicking rocks. We were still caring, but not with enough effort to make the scale do anything good. So with the interest of keeping ourselves accountable after our 3 week hiatus, our stats are:


  • This 3 week: +1.2 lb
  • Total: -11.4 lb


  • This 3 week: +1 lb
  • Total: -11.2 lb